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Causes of Trauma

Trauma can lead to Post Traumatic Stress and Complex Post Traumatic Stress

War Veterans / Terrorism / Violence


Any type of threat to your or others safety by an act of violence, terrorism or the death & killing witnessed in war zones is very traumatic to individuals.

Flashbacks are common in either visual, acoustic, emotional or body memory forms. Triggers can be anything from a smell, a touch, an expression, an outfit etc.

All types of abuse including parental or relationship abuse.


There are many different types of abuse which can be within the family unit, in a close relationship, in a religious or teaching relationship or even in a work environment. Emotional, Physical, Sexual,Domestic, Psychological, Verbal & Child abuse all cause trauma.Parental abandonment is also very traumatic.

Natural Disasters


​Any natural disaster such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, twisters or tsunamis can all be very traumatic events, as once again your personal safety is compromised and you can end up losing your home, your life and risk losing your loved ones to possible death.

Death of a loved one


​The death of anyone close to you can be a very shocking and traumatic event.

The closer the person, the more traumatic. The more losses, the more the trauma. If the loss was sudden & unexpected this can worsen the trauma, or if the loss was due to a violent act like murder or torture, this again makes it harder to deal with.

Rape / Abduction / Torture/ Prisoner of War


Any of these awful events are deeply traumatising and the more prolonged the suffering, the more complicated the trauma.

Physical trauma



Physical trauma can be anything from a serious accident, a difficult & complicated birth, complicated surgery, repeated physical pain, drug overdose or anything that endangers the body.

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